Story by Paige Zaruba
They say that practice makes perfect, but for the boys’ golf team, perfection has to come from game experience this season. This cold and snowy spring has put a damper on the team’s ability to practice on their usual spot: the Kernoustie golf course.
Competing in four total meets so far this season, the team has only had nearly 10 practices in various locations, including a course in Cedar Rapids and even in the green patch in front of the school.
The team finally made their first practice appearance at the Kernoustie golf course yesterday, which allowed them to gather their bearings for their first home meet tonight.
“It’s definitely been tougher to get in the groove of things with having really no practices but still having meets,” said senior Casey Noska.
Despite the unfortunate weather, the team has found success in the few meets that they have had. “So far the meets have gone pretty well as a team, given the conditions we have had to play in and some of the kids playing in their first varsity meets,” said Noska.
In past years, the golfers have had at least three practices before their first meet to prepare. “It’s been difficult playing in meets without any practice on a real course,” said Reece Pitlik, a senior on the golf team. “Our team has been playing pretty good for not having any formal practices.” Pitlik has also found success early in his senior season. Pitlik shot his best round ever the first meet of the year, with a score of 72.