Mount Vernon Archery Club members continue to participate in archery events year around.
August 24-25, Hitaga Archery near Central City hosted the Iowa 2013 Rhinehart 100 3D
Shoot drawing about 500 archers from Iowa and around the nation. Hitaga Archery uses the
profit from the shoot to help support the infrastructure at Camp Hitaga and also sponsor less
fortunate kids so that they can attend camp in the summer.
Mount Vernon archers and families ran concessions for Hitaga and earned support for their
club. Mount Vernon Archers also competed in the shoot aiming at Rhinehart targets of animals
from North American and African environments. There was also a novelty collection of targets
simulating targets, such as, aliens and dinosaurs. Special archery games and head to head
competitions included a milk jug shoot, the iron forest, shooting flying targets and the iron buck.
Gage Lochner was the North American Range Youth Champion. There were 50 challenging
targets in each range with a variety of distances and type of targets.
Members of the Mount Vernon Archery Club competing in the shoot were:
Kayla Burkart
Chase Burkart
Sydney Ulch
Aubrey Vlasek
Alex Deeb
Cole Dummermuth
Christian Tanberg
Kari Tanberg
Collin Hallier
Rachel Lochner
Brandon Lochner
Gage Lochner
Special thanks to Chuck and Chris Hallier for organizing the concessions for the event. Also
thanks to Ron, Brandon, Gage and Rachel Lochner, and Collin Hallier for their extra help
all weekend. Hitaga Archery organizers were very pleased with the amount of help running
concessions and helping clean up. Volunteers that signed up and helped with the fundraiser
Cole Dummermuth
Maria Dummermuth
Chase Dummermuth
Nicholas Garrelts
Dave Garrelts
Zach Vig
Darin Vig
Aubree Vlasek
Todd Vlasek
Kari Tanberg
Christian Tanberg
Sandy Tanberg
Dave Tanberg
Drew Keller
Derk Keller
Laurie Keller
Matt Morrical
Andy Morrical
Alex Deeb
Amy Deeb
Gage Lochner
Brandon Lochner
Rachel Lochner
Ron Lochner
Collin Hallier
Chuck Hallier
Chris Hallier
Tom Wilkinson