By Haley Griebel
Women can be hard to understand. Some of us have the weirdest obsession with clothes and fashion, and the other half could care less about the latest trend in clothing. One girl could be obsessed with the latest Pinterest trend or selfie on Instagram, but the next girl you meet would think all of that stuff is a waste of time and would rather use her time obsessing over the outdoors. Yes, it can be just plain confusing to be around us and there are millions of things you have always wanted to ask but could never find the courage. Afraid you might get laughed at or judged? Well here is your inside track to why girls do what they do and some tips to what they are looking for in a guy. So don’t go searching Google trying to figure us out.
1. Gossip
First thing on the agenda, gossip. Some girls may be slow to admit it but almost every one of us out there has been part of a “gossip circle.” Whether it’s to get the inside celebrity scandals or talk about our favorite reality shows, (aka “The Bachelor”) girls love to gossip! According to a survey taken by 50 girls at Mount Vernon High School in February the top three reasons teenage girls gossip was to be social, vent, and look for others’ opinions on a topic. Don’t get confused when we come up and tell you all about some scandal, we’re not looking for you to back that person up. We are just looking for you to add five more negative things about that person.
2. Getting Ready

Why do women take so long to get ready? We can’t just sleep in our outfit for the next day, wake up and have perfect hair, then throw on our only pair of shoes and run out the door. If you want us to look good you are going to be waiting a little bit. But what do we do that takes us so long? Junior Kimberly Schroeder says, “a lot goes into to looking our best.”
According to the survey, the top three reasons girls take so long to get ready are to try on outfits, test out hairstyles and put on makeup. It might be difficult to believe but it’s hard to find an outfit in the morning because we have so many possible styles. Are we feeling lazy today or do we want to put in some effort to create a designer outfit? Then we must stand in the mirror to decide whether an updo or straight down looks more flattering. Finally our makeup, which depends on how we are looking in the morning. Some mornings just take longer than others.
3. Dressing Up
There are some who look their best every day, which we are a little envious of. Yet there are others who only dress up when they absolutely have to. The number one reason we do this, in case you’re wondering, is not to look good for a certain guy. Sure enough it’s actually just to look good for ourselves. “ I just like to feel pretty, like a princess,” says junior Jacque Murray.

4. Shoes
In order to dress up you must have the right footwear to complete your outfit. But why do girls need so many pairs of shoes, can’t one go with every outfit? The answer is no, absolutely not. The number one reason girls have so many shoes is to keep up with the many different situations and activities there are to attend. You couldn’t wear the same heels you wear for prom to then workout in during gym class. The second reason is simply that different outfits call for different shoes in order to pull them off. “ If you have the right pair of shoes it can make the outfit better,” says sophomore Katie Wycoff.
5. Bathroom Trips in Groups
Now on to the topic bathroom field trips. When one of our friends announces they have to pee we all feel the need to follow close behind. According to a recent study, taken by 73% of the time we don’t even have to pee! The group field trips have gotten so common that some girls can’t even pee unless there is someone in the next stall to socialize with. “ We feel the need talk to each other while we go to the bathroom, girls just can’t do things alone,” says Sophomore Nicole Binsfield. There isn’t any clear reason why we all feel the need to go in groups, but the most logical explanation is that its just another place to gossip and socialize.
6. Guys
These deep conversations often lead onto the topic of guys. Who’s the most attractive, who’s got the best bod, and who is dating who? Well how do we determine the best looking guy in the school? According to a recent study the number one thing teenage girls look for in a guy is his personality. If he is funny, nice, and caring you’re already half way there. The next test is his looks. At Mount Vernon High School we prefer guys with blue eyes, short hair, a deep voice, and a big helping of muscles. And to top it off we would prefer if they just dressed casual. Now if you’re a guy ready this and thinking you could put a checkmark by every one of these request you might just be on your way to finding a girlfriend. Although, if you happen to stumble upon the love of your life be sure to avoid cheating on her because that’s the number one reason a relationship comes to an end.
The final advice I leave you with is to take into consideration some of the stuff I have talked about. Girls love it when they have someone who understands exactly what they are going through.