Television is a large part of our society, and now with modern technology you can watch television anywhere online. Although not all shows on primetime television are available online, some shows are exclusively available on the Internet. With all the options that are available online a person could have trouble deciding on a show to watch. A poll of 150 randomly selected Mount Vernon High School students shows their most-watched TV shows on the Internet.
Number 10 “Blue Mountain State”
“Blue Mountain State” is a sports comedy about the fictional college named Blue Mountain State. It follows the football team mostly off the field through college life which involves lots of partying, football hazing, and drinking.
Senior Ashley Ruden binge watched “Blue Mountain State” in one day. “I had nothing else to do so I just wanted to keep watching them, you could say I have no life. They are so funny I couldn’t stop watching. My favorite episode is when the goat mascot is stolen, then in an attempt to steal the goat back they accidentally kill the goat. There are also more super funny episodes but they aren’t all school appropriate. I love the show and was sad that they didn’t make another season.”
Number 9 “Psych”
“Psych” is a comical show about a super observant detective, Shawn Spencer, who solves crimes using his “psychic” powers for the Santa Barbara Police Department. Spencer and his partner Burton “Gus” Buster run a small psychic detective agency called Psych.
“It is one of the most original shows I have ever seen, they have some of the weirdest, but funniest, jokes I have ever seen on a TV show,” said junior Trevor Baty. “You get to know the characters’ inside jokes and I love finding the hidden pineapples in every show. My favorite episode is when Gus and shawn go on American Duos, a parody of American Idol, to stop a murder. They are terrible at singing but the judge in the competition is the person they are trying to save so they keep going further into the competition. They are awful singers, but they do ridiculous dances, and all the judges hate it, but they can’t be eliminated. It is golden.”
Number 8 “Dexter”
“Dexter” is a police drama about a Miami blood spatter analyst, Dexter Morgan, whose hobby is serial killing. The show follows Dexter as he finds, stalks, and kills people.
Junior Matt Wenzel is currently watching all of the episodes of Dexter on Netflix. He is midway through the sixth of eight seasons. “I like Dexter because it has the bad guy as the main character, usually if there is a serial killer in a TV show he just gets arrested and thrown in jail. In Dexter he works for the police and kills people who the police can’t prove guilty.”
Matt likes to watch an episode a night of Dexter. “My favorite episode of Dexter is when he kills the Russian guy who killed a cop. He got him in the airport right before he could run away. Then the mob was after him, so he had to deal with that, his job as a blood spatter analyst, and his son as a single father.
Number 7 “South Park”
“South Park” is a TV-MA animated comedy about four elementary age boys- Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, and Kenny McCormick- who get into trouble that usually has many parallels to current events.
Senior Cole Wilkins enjoys “South Park”. He has watched most of the episodes that have been produced and watches the new one on Comedy Central when they come out.
“I like ‘South Park’ because it is so dirty. ‘South Park’ is never afraid to make fun of whatever they feel should be made fun of. I really think its cool how they can make it tie into problems that are happening in the world. Then they have the four 4th grade boys go try to solve a similar problem to the one that the world is facing. It’s funny stuff.”
TIED for Number 7 “Parks and Recreation”
“Parks and Recreation” is a mockumentary (fake documentary) that follows Leslie Knope, a government parks and rec worker from the fictional town Pawnee, Indiana. Leslie takes her job very seriously; however most of her other government colleges do not at all. Her boss Ron Swanson is a country man who hates the government and only took the job to slow down their progress.
Sophomore Joe Timm is a “Parks and Rec” fan. He enjoys it because of the witty humor, and how the show makes fun of the stereotypical politics.
“I think that all the episodes are well done,” Joe said. “I like how they make it seem like it’s a documentary, like ‘The Office’, so that way you can really grow connected with the characters. My favorite character is Ron Swanson, he is the complete opposite of Leslie and their relationship is hilarious. The best Ron moment was when Ron took the whole group hunting at his cabin. He was shot by a stray bullet so he took pain meds washed down with scotch. It was hilarious!”
Number 5 “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”
“It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” is about a group of five self-centered friends who run a bar called Paddy’s Pub. The “Gang” as they call themselves are always in trouble between running their unsuccessful bar and their antics they always find themselves in trouble.
Sophomore Bryce Cox watches “Sunny” three times a week and has watched all the episodes that have come out. “I like ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ because the characters are so odd, they do really dumb things all the time that they think will be a good idea, when they never are. Like when they try solving the gas crisis. They fill up large tubs of gas and try to sell them door to door. They fail miserably every time, and their antics, while it happens, are very funny.”
“Number 4 “How I Met Your Mother”
“How I Met Your Mother” is a sitcom and romantic comedy all in one. It is a story told in flashbacks by the main character Ted Mosby talking to his children about how he met their mother. The story has Ted, a New York architect and his friends finding love and trouble for many years before he finds his wife.
Sophomore David Taylor is an avid HIMYM watcher. “I enjoy watching it because it is comedy packed and it never gets old. My favorite character is Barney Stinson because he gets the ladies like no other. I think we may have trained together because he uses some of my patented moves. Such as the Lorenzo Von Matterhorn. The Lorenzo Von Matterhorn is when you create a bunch of fake website and have the ladies look you up to see just how famous you really are. It worked for him, and I’m sure if I tried it I would have the same amount of success.”
Number 3 “Teen Wolf”
“Teen Wolf” is about a high school boy named Scott McCall. He gets bitten by an alpha wolf and the series deals with the adventures and drama that come with it. He and his best friend Stiles Stilinski have to conquer the bad guys, high schools and girls without anyone figuring out that Scott is a wolf.
Junior Haley Smith has watched every single ‘Teen Wolf’ episode that has been released. “I like ‘Teen Wolf’ because it is very suspenseful; every episode is a cliffhanger that makes me want to keep watching!” Haley said.
Haley often will get together with her friends Abbey Teubel, Josh Hof, and Allison Platte to talk about what has happened in “Teen Wolf.”
“We make predictions on what will happen in the next episodes and what our favorite episodes are. Mine was when Stiles got possessed by a demon thing, so they have to get it out of him while he is on a murderous rampage. It is awesome!” Haley said.
Number 2 “Breaking Bad”
“Breaking Bad” is about a high school chemistry teacher who gets terminal lung cancer. To ensure his family’s financial status when he is gone Walter White starts cooking meth with the help of his former student Jesse Pinkman.
Junior Tristan Rud watched every single episode of “Breaking Bad”. Tristan said, “I didn’t get into ‘Breaking Bad’ until it was already big. I was about two seasons behind so I started watching it on Netflix and other online places before I could catch up to the current season.”
“Breaking Bad” is, like “Dexter”, another show with an anti hero, which is a large reason why it is so popular.
“I love the way they slowly progressed Walter from good guy high school science teacher to meth kingpin. It was one of the realest show I have ever seen.” Tristan said.
And the Number One Show Is….”The Office”!
“The Office” is another mockumentary about a group of paper salesmen who work in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The office has many important characters and many famous people who make cameos. The main group of office workers are Michael Scott, the goofy, childish boss; Jim Halpert, a salesman who is a practical joker; Dwight Schrute, the very serious beet farmer and paper salesman; and Pam Beesly who is the attractive receptionist and later becomes Jim’s wife.
Junior Tyler Kranig got into watching “The Office” last summer. He started watching the past episodes on Netflix, then caught up to the current season and was able to watch the series finale when it first came out.
“I started watching one night because I was bored, then I couldn’t stop watching! I think that I watched eight seasons in two months then I watched the shows as they came out. I didn’t have much to do in the summer other than run cross country so I spent a lot of my free time watching the show,” Tyler said.
“My favorite episode is the Dundee one where Michael gives out his Oscar-like awards. He is so childlike but passionate about his job you can’t help but like him,” Tyler said.