Academic Decathlon
State Tournament Results
Friday and Saturday, March 2 and 3, 2012
Large Schools
1st Cedar Rapids Jefferson 40,527.7
2nd Cedar Rapids Kennedy 39,062.7
3rd Cedar Rapids Washington 38,769.8

Small School
1st South Central Calhoun 32,882.0
2nd ADM 30,177.8
3rd Iowa Falls – Alden 29,546.3
4th Mount Vernon 28,892.1
11th Overall (Small School and Large School)
Individual Results
Honors Division
Nate Marti: 1st Essay, 3rd Super Quiz, 2nd Language and Literature, 3rd Overall Honors
Alex Doser 2nd Essay, 1st Math, 3rd Language and Literature
Varsity Division
Josh Fell: 1st Interview, 1st Language and Literature, 3rd Overall Varsity
Sarah Yeoman: 2nd Speech
Maggie Howell: 2nd Math
Alternate Results
Scholastic Division
Miranda Roudabush: 2nd Overall Small School
Mount Vernon High School State Team Members:
Nate Marti
Alex Doser
Paulina Massey
Alternate: Zehra Khan
Mindy Salzbrenner
Chelsie Minor
Thomas Bernard
Alternate: Miranda Roudabush
Sarah Yeoman
Josh Fell
Maggie Howell
Alternate: Allison Moore