The Student News Site of Mount Vernon High School

The Mustang Moon

The Student News Site of Mount Vernon High School

The Mustang Moon

The Student News Site of Mount Vernon High School

The Mustang Moon

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Top 5 Most Liked Teachers at Mount Vernon High School

Mount Vernon High School is home to many beloved teachers, each leaving a lasting impact on their students. From innovative teaching styles to heartfelt dedication, these educators have earned their places in the hearts of the Mount Vernon community. Here are the top five most liked teachers at Mount Vernon High School according to an email survey sent out that over 100 students responded to in March. 

Social studies teacher Margo Massey poses for a photo with her world history class.

Margo Massey

Margo Massey, who teaches criminal justice, sociology, and world history, is Mount Vernon High School’s most liked teacher. Her fun and engaging teaching style captivates students’ interests across diverse subjects. Beyond the classroom, Massey also serves as the girls’ track coach, inspiring her athletes to achieve both on and off the track. Students praise her unwavering positivity, infectious sense of humor, and approachability. One student remarked, “She’s amazing!” Another described her as “so positive and fun,” while another said, “She’s the best part of my day.” Massey’s ability to create an engaging and supportive learning environment resonates deeply with her students, cementing her status as a beloved figure at Mount Vernon High School.


Ed Timm

Ed Timm is a long-standing and beloved figure at Mount Vernon High School, known for teaching political science, U.S. history, and humorously “Hating freshmen.” His engaging teaching style and charismatic presence have solidified his reputation among students. One student noted, “He provides all the info you need, and he’s also goofy,” highlighting Timm’s ability to balance comprehensive instruction with a sense of fun.”Everyday this is something interesting happening in his classes, such as when he “sprays kids with water.” Additionally, Timm’s knack for storytelling ensures that his classes are never dull, earning him widespread acclaim and making him one of Mount Vernon’s most liked educators.


Nathan Namanny

Nathan Namanny, ranked third by students, teaches geometry, AP Calculus, and statistics. Despite being relatively new to teaching, Namanny has earned widespread admiration. One student commented, “I got all 3s in his geometry class because of how wonderfully he teaches.” Another student eagerly anticipates taking another class with him, stating, “I cannot wait to take stats with him again.” Described as having a “heart of gold,” Namanny’s genuine care for his students transcends the classroom, further solidifying his reputation as a beloved educator at Mount Vernon High School.


Kevin Murray

Kevin Murray, is celebrated for his multifaceted contributions to education. Known for his calm yet engaging teaching style and his role in running The Stable, Murray leaves a lasting impact on his students. Students commend him for his expertise in financial matters. One expressed gratitude for learning about loans, insurance, and college expenses in his class, stating, “His financial literacy class taught me things I would never have known if I didn’t take his class.” Murray’s ability to intertwine real-life anecdotes with academic content resonates deeply with his students, as his “really interesting stories” aid in their retention of the material. His dedication to providing practical knowledge and fostering a dynamic learning environment cements his reputation as one of the most respected educators at Mount Vernon.


Kelsey Strope

Kelsey Strope, is a highly regarded educator at Mount Vernon Community High School. She teaches Pre Calc, Algebra 1, and Algebra Prep, Strope’s proficiency in mathematics is lauded by her students. Described as having the ability to teach math to anyone, Strope’s approachable demeanor and effective teaching methods resonate with her students. One student commends her for being “fun and nice,” while another appreciates her as “so nice and understanding,” emphasizing her availability for discussions. Strope’s dedication to her students’ success and her talent for making math accessible and enjoyable establish her as a cherished member of the teaching community.l. However, this year marks a bittersweet moment as Strope prepares to leave Mount Vernon, leaving behind a legacy of inspiration and excellence in mathematics education.



These top five teachers at Mount Vernon High School exemplify the qualities of exceptional educators. Their unique teaching styles, dedication, and ability to connect with students have made them beloved figures in the school community. As they continue to inspire and educate, their impact will be felt for years to come.

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