Senior Sydney Dennis glazes a tray. (Elysia Horton)Freshman Maya Carstensen, glazes a tray. (Elysia Horton)Sophomore Kaleigh Jordan glazes a bowl. (Elysia Horton)Sophomore Kaleigh Jordan gest the new clay out. (Elysia horton)Junior Jessica Belding gets the new clay out. (Elysia Horton)Junior Jessica Belding breaking old clay apart. (Elysia Horton)Isabelle Klawiter gets the clay ready to be remade (Elysia horton)Freshman Abi Spalding glazes a cup. (Elysia Horton)Sophomore Lilly Krob cleans up the bottom of the tray from the glaze. (Elysia Horton) Freshman Maya Carstensen glazing with Kaleigh Jordan. (Elysia Horton)