By Cian Meier-Gast
Senior Coy Martin is very active in sports. In fact he participates in three sports during the year. They are football, wrestling, and track. Coy said “My favorite sport is track which also the one I am best at.” He has been participating in these sports since middle school.
Coy spends a lot of his time practicing for the different sports he plays in. He spends around three hours practicing for football, two hours for wrestling, and around one hour to one hour and thirty minutes on track. Coy said this about practices. “Most practices are hard but in all of the sports the coaches really try to also let us have fun to keep the energy high. We always joke around and have fun, but we also have to work hard to not get in trouble from the coach. In all sports it’s important to find to find the line between goofing around and having fun to working hard.”
He likes the sports for different reasons. Coy likes to play and participate in football because he says that it is a team sport and you have to rely on others to do their jobs while you do yours. You need to have everyone working together to succeed in the sport. His position on the team is defensive line. With wrestling he likes that to win it is all on you.
Coy said that for him wrestling is just a mentality to succeed you have to do it yourself and you have to work yourself to do well. Track is his favorite sport. He participates in many different events. He is in the 4×4, the 4×2, the high jump, and the distance medley.