By Cory Brannaman-
On Saturday, October 9th, the MVHS Marching Band competed in the Iowa High School State Marching Band Contest. This event was held at Kingston Stadium in Cedar Rapids. The band played 3 songs. They included Pirates of the Caribbean, Little Mermaid, and Jump in the Line. The band received a Division I rating. This means that their score was the best possible, according to a I, II, and III format of scoring. Only one performance is left. This is scheduled for Friday, October 22nd at the MVHS Varsity football game against Clear Creek Amana. This is also senior night, so the seniors in Dance Team, Marching Band, Color Guard, and Football will be recognized before kickoff.
Looking ahead, the band has a variety of activities planned for the upcoming school year. New this year is the Trash Can Band. Also, on schedule is Pep Band, Jazz Band, and two concerts for the rest of the year.