“Just Killing Time” written and performed by class
November 4, 2013
During the last week of October, classes squeezed into Mrs. Richardson’s room to see the play written and produced by her Dramatic Interpretation of Literature class. The play is about Sophomore Ben Alger, who plays himself, studying for a history test. In doing so, he meets some famous figures in history. View it at the link below:
Alex Abresch (Molly Brown) and Mitch Kragenbrink (Julius Caesar) act in the show Oct. 30. Photo by Precious Duenas
Adam Gage (Al Capone) gets his thugs to foil Christmas by stealing all the presents in Chicago. Photo by Amrie Santee.
Trey Ryan (Ben Franklin) and Eric Dunford (Dr. Seuss) share a dance. Photo by Amrie Santee.Brylee Brendes, Alex Abresch, Lynn Lewis, and Delaney Dicus perform a dance Oct. 31. Photo by Amrie Santee.