The Young Musicians Honor Band performed at College Community at Prairie High School on Feb. 25. Being in an honor band is an opportunity to learn and apply the skills you’ve learned into concert band. Elise Rodenberg, middle school band director, submits students’ names in a nomination to the honor band director, and they choose from the students she selected. Based on the size of your band determines how many students a single school can take to the honor band.
Seventh graders Arlo Woosley, Elijah Brinson, Grant Vaughn, and sixth graders Viv Andresen, Natalie Ford, and Genevieve Cullum, attended the honor band to represent Mount Vernon.
The honor band practiced all day, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and had two concerts afterwards. During that time, band directors from each school get together and do professional development activities. “It’s mostly just old teachers and young teachers talking and asking questions about how to be better,” Rodenberg said.
Students found that attending the Young Musicians Honor Band has really improved their band skills. “I liked how we focused on dynamics and accents,” Cullum said.
After the honor band, they were able to apply what they learned into the school concert band, making for even greater players for our middle school. Not only is the honor band an opportunity to get better, but it is also an opportunity for students who aren’t challenged by the music at their school.
The honor band selects music at a higher level, “I liked how the music was more my level, the music we play at school is everyone’s level and it was nice to have a challenge,” Ford said.
Rodenberg agrees that the music was a true challenge for some students, but it pushes them to become better players.
It was difficult for the first few hours, but by the end of the day they had pulled it together to make for a smashing performance. “My favorite part of the day was performing, and hearing how it all came together,” Ford said.
The students received many breaks and got to meet many new players. “It wasn’t that hard by the end of it, it was fun and it’s better than school,” Cullum said. “We got a ton of breaks.”
The Young Musicians Honor Band wowed the crowd on Saturday evening, and played with all their might, the middle school concert band has received six new-and-improved players.