P.E. All Year Round
March 11, 2022
Health and overall fitness is very important to students and athletes, but even more important as they get older. With the knowledge from a P.E. class students are able to leave high school educated about the basics to hopefully keep them healthy the rest of their lives. These are all reasons why the school should require all students to have a P.E. class in their schedule every semester.
Currently, there are two class options at Mount Vernon that can be taken to fulfill the requirements of a P.E. class. The first option is a lifetime fitness class. In this class, they play various games and activities that act as a good cardio workout. The second option is mustang strength and speed. In this class, they do weight training and speed work three times a week. Each of these classes is offered every day for one semester. Students in Mount Vernon usually have gym class one semester, and no physical activity is required the other semester.
Having a P.E. class in your schedule every day throughout the school year allows all athletes and non-athletes to be consistent and reach their goals. Oftentimes people use the excuse that being in a lifting class can make athletes have a higher chance of injury. In reality, strength training improves the function, performance, and efficiency of muscles. Strength training also lowers the risk of injury by 68%.
By putting an exercise class in everyone’s schedule all year there it allows people to complete homework and other school work outside of school and allows students to focus on fitness for one hour a day inside of their schedule.
Currently, one kind of P.E. is offered for every class period. Now sometimes students don’t have an open period to fit in an exercise class. This is resolved by Mount Vernon’s strength and speed coach creating a time before school and after school where he allows students to come in and lift if they don’t have P.E. on their schedule.
With the inclusiveness of all teachers and students at Mount Vernon getting students involved in a P.E. class is very easily obtainable. With everything being said the school should require all students to have a P.E. class in their schedule every semester to improve the health and overall fitness of Mount Vernon students.