Complete results of the 2021 IHSPA Class A Yearbook Contest are on the IHSPA Website.
Journalism students from Mount Vernon attend the 2021 Iowa High School Press Association Fall Conference on Oct.21 at the University of Iowa. The group cheers as they place second in the Yearbook contest. (Katana Snyder)
Anna Moore, Remy Merrill, and Abigail Morf hold up the many individual awards they won for their work on the 2021 yearbook in photography, writing, and design.Ashlyn Steen won first place in the Personality Profile category.
Jaegen Becthold and Julissa Govea hold up their awards for writing and photography.
Students in 21st Century Journalistic Writing and Publication & Design attend the IHSPA Fall Conference Oct. 21.
Margo Massey • Nov 1, 2021 at 8:43 pm
Congratulations ? team! We think you’re number one!! Way to go!!!