Video of Commencement Speeches and Senior Parade



Matt Thede

Graham Bradbury, Jack Ossenkop, and Aubrey Frey were selected as the Class of 2020 Speakers for Commencement. Each of them submitted a video. Mariah Reeves, MVHS English Teacher, was selected as the faculty speaker. Paige and Shannon Beck created the traditional Baby Pic/ Senior Pic video. Mr. Thede helped edit and combine all into one video. Click on the link to watch the Commencement Speeches followed the Baby Pic/Senior Pic video:


Jean Wade
Luke Wade, Kode Banwart, Sam Adams, Graham Bradbury, Garrett Hormann, and Jack Kragenbrink sit behind the school after receiving their diplomas May 24. (JoAnn Gage)

On the day Mount Vernon High School commencement was scheduled, the town held a parade for the senior class. Elementary teacher and senior mom Jean Wade captured video of the parade at the point where Superintendent Greg Batenhorst and his wife Mary Lou handed out treats to the graduates.

See the parade video here: