Let the Coronavirus Provide Lessons Among the Chaos

Jillian McGuire, columnist

The coronavirus is new and here to stay. Here’s my attempt at explaining how it feels.

The coronavirus sucks, it really does. It has taken things from me, seniors, friends, and families. From me, corona took away my January 2021 trip to Guatemala. I was heartbroken.

It took away my nursing home activity I hosted for over a month. The severity of the disease could kill someone I love in the nursing home, or outside of it.

It has taken away my chance to see my friends. A break from school is no fun without my best friends. While we are lucky to have the chance to Facetime, I miss spending time together in person.

I am scared for the kids who only get fed at school.

Although this pandemic sucks, it is not the end of the world. I think during this break there are things we can do to help ourselves out in the future. One thing I am doing to better myself is work out every day. Normally I complain about lack of time, but this break gives me no excuses. I think another thing people should do is read that book you’ve been putting off forever. You can find new hobbies, and passions. I’ve been trying to draw and journal more as well.

The coronavirus can take things away from us, but it can also be a reminder to savor the moments we do get. For me not seeing my best friends, has helped me put into perspective how to better cherish the moments we do get together. It has given me time to reflect, and consider how lucky I am. If you have food on the table, a nice bed, a book to read, and the chance to better yourself. This situation also reminds us how hard healthcare workers work. I have hope for a cure for this virus soon.

Take advantage of what the coronavirus is giving us — the chance to do something we often forget to do — the chance to relax. Remember this moment, and let it provide lessons among the chaos.