Things You Should Know Before You Go To College
May 8, 2019
By Sammy Moss
With graduation less than one month away, chances are some seniors are having to make one of the toughest decisions so far in their lives…where to go to college. Just one year ago another group of students was in the same boat. Four members of Mount Vernon Class of 2018 shared how they made their decision and some advice for anyone entering into their first year of college.
Mount Vernon’s Class of 2018 said they chose their college based on the size and location of the school, how familiar they were with the school, and the influence of their family. Colden Clark said, “I also looked at the size of the school because I knew a big school wasn’t for me.”
Family was a big influence on Bailey Hauser. “Both of my parents and all of my siblings attended UNI so I knew what the campus was like and it was what I was familiar with,” Hauser said. “I never really saw myself going anywhere else because I liked the environment so much and I knew my siblings would be there as well.”
We all know that college will be different from high school because of the freedom and the chance to meet new people. These are experiences everyone looks forward to but can also be challenging. Kyli Orr, a freshman at Simpson, “Adjusting to college is hard for everyone, especially in the first few months. Learning to live with a roommate, adjusting to the academic workload, making friends, trying to adjust to collegiate athletics, and trying to get enough sleep is overwhelming. But things always get better. No obstacle is as big of a deal as you think it is. And never underestimate the power of a call to home. And never be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions! If you are lost or need help, chances are someone is in the same boat as you are. People are always happy to help and life is a lot less stressful when you stop trying to figure everything out on your own.”
Kristen Elliott, Luther College freshman said “For me, so far I haven’t really had a significant amount of homework, but sometimes it feels like a lot because I have to do it all at the same time. You have a lot of free time so managing your time effectively I say would be the hardest thing about college.” When asked what trick she uses to manage her time Elliott said, “My best trick is to plan ahead. I think about my schedule for the day and the next day, so I know what is going on and the times I will be free to work on my homework. It important to do your homework when you have that time because other things could come up that may prevent you from getting it done.”
Making the decision on which college or university to attend can be very stressful. Talking to your family members, friends, and exploring more about schools you already know something about seems like it worked for these graduates. Getting involved, meeting new people, not being afraid to ask for help, and planning ahead are all things that will help you survive your freshman year of college. Good luck Mount Vernon Class of 2019!