Embracing a Life Journey Through Art

“Human Heart” by Philip Hyde

Lauren McCollum

By Lauren McCollum

After stepping through the unfamiliar doorway, an intense aroma of paint replaced the previously clean and empty air. The dynamic of this room provided a comfort beyond description. Every part of the secluded space was covered in a piece of art. Each created from a different person’s individual thoughts. All of them telling their own unique story. Realizing this was a special location full of possibility and freedom, ideas started flowing through Junior Philip Hyde’s mind immediately. A new sense of exhilaration overcame his body that he had never experienced before. With an endless selection of colors before his eyes, he grabbed a brush and got to work. This was not just some old and dingy classroom. Instead, it was a new start. A place where new opportunities and ideas could be explored through creation every day. A place to passionately channel his inner feelings with simply a brush and some colors. He had always possessed the ability to appreciate art and the uniqueness of every piece. However, he was unaware that this room would go on to become one of the most impactful environments of his life.

At the beginning of his freshman year, Hyde decided to fully embrace his love for art and take on the challenge of being a creator. Hyde had the realization that a future based around art was important to him. Specifically, a future in communication designs such as designing advertisements. His future plans include attending Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design.

“I believe when people look at my artwork they are seeing a part of my personality they couldn’t ever find anywhere else. Only through that individual piece,” said Hyde, “a part of me that I can always find in my own solitude.”

Most of his artwork is an extension of something private or personal, and many pieces develop themes based on real-life events.

A few individuals who continue to inspire him often are alumni Journey Dawa (‘17) and Haley Krob (‘18). As well as current senior, Kate Margheim.

“My favorite piece is always the current one I am working on,” said Hyde. “When I begin creating my mind goes blank. The world fades away. All that’s left is my mind and an empty canvas.”

Slideshow of Hyde’s artwork from over the years: